As a National Fellow at the Scholars Strategy Network, Lyric coordinated a series of economists group letters advising state and federal policymakers on how to balance budgets during the Covid-19 pandemic without drastic cuts to spending, which would disproportionately harm those who had already been most affected by the pandemic. This project played a crucial role in New Jersey’s adoption of a millionaire’s tax in September 2020.
Lyric was an editorial intern at the arts, culture, and fashion magazine Document Journal in 2019.
As a student at Barnard College, Lyric ran The Eye magazine at The Columbia Daily Spectator. As editor, she managed and closely mentored a staff of 30 investigative long-form writers and associate editors; developed and ran an intensive, semester-long training program for 20 incoming Eye trainees; provided structural and sentence-level edits on a total of 36 articles (ranging from 1,500 to 4,000 words); and liaised with the other sections of Spectator to coordinate diverse media components. She also wrote eight long-form articles, including a 4,570-word cover story that sparked an official change in Barnard’s transfer credit acceptance policy for American Sign Language courses.
Lyric has collaborated with Baltimore-based musical artist Jupie in a variety of artistic media. She created original collage artwork for his 2024 album Brick Hill, on which she wrote lyrics and recorded vocals for the track “It Was a Thursday.” Previously, she designed Jupie merch and directed/edited the music video for the track “Yams” off his 2019 EP Deep in the Seat.