Lyric Bowditch


Other Projects

New Jersey Millionaires Tax

As a National Fellow at the Scholars Strategy Network, Lyric coordinated a series of economists group letters advising state and federal policymakers on how to balance budgets during the Covid-19 pandemic without drastic cuts to spending, which would disproportionately harm those who had already been most affected by the pandemic. This project played a crucial role in New Jersey’s adoption of a millionaire’s tax in September 2020.

Scholars Strategy Network Logo

Economists Letter Helped Push for New Jersey Millionaires Tax

Document Journal

Lyric was an editorial intern at the arts, culture, and fashion magazine Document Journal in 2019.

article thumbnail

Articles by Lyric Bowditch

The Columbia Daily Spectator

As a student at Barnard College, Lyric ran The Eye magazine at The Columbia Daily Spectator. As editor, she managed and closely mentored a staff of 30 investigative long-form writers and associate editors; developed and ran an intensive, semester-long training program for 20 incoming Eye trainees; provided structural and sentence-level edits on a total of 36 articles (ranging from 1,500 to 4,000 words); and liaised with the other sections of Spectator to coordinate diverse media components. She also wrote eight long-form articles, including a 4,570-word cover story that sparked an official change in Barnard’s transfer credit acceptance policy for American Sign Language courses.

ASL article thumbnail

Looking For Signs at CU

by Lyric Bowditch (The Eye, 2017).

Collaboration with Jupie

Lyric has collaborated with Baltimore-based musical artist Jupie in a variety of artistic media. She created original collage artwork for his 2024 album Brick Hill, on which she wrote lyrics and recorded vocals for the track “It Was a Thursday.” Previously, she designed Jupie merch and directed/edited the music video for the track “Yams” off his 2019 EP Deep in the Seat.

Brick Hill album art

Jupie merch photo